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Museum of History of Zaporizhzhia Cossacks

Zaporizhzhia Cossacks History Museum is located on the island of Khortytsia. It has a most beautiful view of the dam the Dnipro.
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Museum of History of Zaporizhzhia Cossacks

Zaporizhzhia Cossacks History Museum is located on the island of Khortytsia. It has a most beautiful view of the dam the Dnipro.

The museum includes: the Cossacks of Zaporizhzhia in historical and fiction literature; The period of Kyivan Rus; Orthodoxy on the Ukrainian lands; The newest history of the Zaporizhzhia region, new archaeological finds of the National Reserve. To date, the museum has collected more than 32,000 museum items. In the museum, the exposition and three dioramas are constantly open for inspection: «Battle of Kyiv Prince Svyatoslav», «Military Council on the Sich», «Liberation of the City of Zaporizhzhia». Exhibitions are devoted to the history of Zaporizhzhia Cossacks.

Not far from the museum there is a stone pillar on the island of Khortytsia, on which it is written that Prince Svyatoslav (the son of Princess Olga) was probably killed here. There is also a mysterious black stone, which is believed to have great magical power.

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Zaporozhye region, The northern part of the island Khortytsia, Staroho reduty Street, 9, Zaporizhzhia

47.860136 | 35.071133

Currently, the museum is closed for re-exposition and reconstruction

(0612) 52-73-17, (061) 224-36-91, (095) 914 77 06, (096) 254 12 09

Wheelchair accessibility
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Accessibility for the hearing impaired
Baby stroller accessibility

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Forts, castles, palaces

National Reserve Khortytsia

Khortytsia Island, Zaporizhzhia

Natural objects and reserves

Black stone

Zaporizhzhia Cossacks History Museum, Staroho reduty Street, 9, Zaporizhzhia


Zaporizhzhya Cossacks History Museum

The northern part of the island Khortytsia, Staroho reduty Street, 9, Zaporizhzhia

Natural objects and reserves

Cromlechs of the Eneolithic Age

Near the historical and cultural complex «Zaporizka Sich», Khortytsia Island, Zaporizhzhia

Natural objects and reserves

The snake cave

Near the tract Black rock in the northern part of the island, Khortytsia Island, Zaporizhzhia

Forts, castles, palaces

Historical and Cultural Complex «Zaporizhzhya Sich»

Staroho reduty Street, 11, Zaporizhzhia

Natural objects and reserves

The sanctuary of the Scythian era

In a pine forest near the Black Rock, Khortytsia Island, Zaporizhzhia

Natural objects and reserves

The Sanctuary-observatory

Khortytsia Island, Zaporizhzhia

Natural objects and reserves

The Sanctuary Triglav

On the northern slope of Velyka Molodnyaha, Khortytsia Island, Zaporizhzhia

Natural objects and reserves

The stone sanctuary

Khortytsia Island, Zaporizhzhia

Natural objects and reserves

The Sanctuaries of the Bronze Age

To the south of the girder Velyka Molodnyaha, Khortytsia Island, Zaporizhzhia

Other architectural attractions

The Dnipro hydroelectric power station

Vintera Boulevard, 1, Zaporizhzhia


The Weapons History Museum

Sobornyi Avenue, 189, Zaporizhzhia

Other architectural attractions

Stadium «Slavutych-Arena»

Lobanovs'kogo Street, Zaporizhzhia

Natural objects and reserves

6 Wintera boulevard, Zaporozhye

Other architectural attractions

The Kozliner Tower

At the intersection of Metalurhiv Avenue and Sobornyi Avenue, Zaporizhzhia

Other architectural attractions

Stela Zaporizhzhia-industrial

At the crossroads of Metalurhiv Avenue and Sobornyi Avenue

Natural objects and reserves


Central part, Khortytsia Island, Zaporizhzhia

Other architectural attractions

Outpatient town of Sotsmisto

Metalurhiv Avenue, 9, Zaporizhzhia


The Art and Exhibition Hall «Athena Gallery»

Metalurhiv Avenue, 8B, Zaporizhzhia

Where to eat?

Ukrainian cuisine restaurant


135 Soborny Аvenue, Zaporizhzhia

Ukrainian cuisine restaurant

National Club «Zaporizʹka Sich»

Budynok vidpochynku Street, 42, Khortytsia Island, Zaporizhzhia

City cafe


232 Soborny Аvenue, Zaporizhzhia

National cuisine restaurant


72 Shevchenko Boulevard, Zaporizhzhia



171 Soborny Аvenue, Zaporizhzhia

Coffee House


14 Shevchenko Boulevard, Zaporizhzhia

National cuisine restaurant


8 Shevchenko Boulevard, Zaporizhzhia

Ukrainian cuisine restaurant

Cossack Courtyard

28A Budynok Vidpochynku Street (Khortytsia Island), Zaporizhzhia

Author's Restaurant


159 Soborny Аvenue, Zaporizhzhia

Coffee House

Cholla & Joshua

200 Soborny Аvenue, Zaporizhzhia

National cuisine restaurant

Sun City

2G Nyzhnyo-Dniprovska Street, Zaporizhzhia

National cuisine restaurant


11 Mayakovskogo Аvenue, Zaporizhzhia

National cuisine restaurant


2A Mayakovskogo Аvenue, Zaporizhzhia

National cuisine restaurant


40 Leonida Zhabotynskoho Street, Zaporizhzhia



186 Soborny Аvenue, Zaporizhzhia

National cuisine restaurant


186 Soborny Аvenue/Mayakovskogo Square, Zaporizhzhia

City cafe


147 Soborny Аvenue, Zaporizhzhia

National cuisine restaurant


3 Yakova Novytskogo Street, Zaporizhzhia

City cafe

Art Café-Teplo

166 Soborny Аvenue, Zaporizhzhia

National cuisine restaurant

Monica Bellucci

27 Sanatorna Street, Zaporizhzhia

Where to stay?


Mini-hotel «Dion»

Mins'ka Street, 9, Zaporizhzhia


Camping "Sagaidachnyi"

76A Skelna Street, Zaporizhzhia


Sanatorium-dispensary «Zaporizhstal»

Budynok vidpochynku Street, 1, Khortytsia Island, Zaporizhzhia


Khortitsa Palace Hotel

Shevchenko Boulevard, 71A, Zaporizhzhia


Hotel «Sport»

Pivnichne Highway, 10, Zaporizhzhia


Slava Hotel

Leonida Zhabotynskoho Street, 19, Zaporizhzhia


Reikartz Zaporizhia Hotel

Mayakovsʹkoho Avenue, 19, Zaporizhzhia


Hotel «SEM»

Shkil'na Street, 4, Zaporizhzhia


Teatralny Hotel

Troitska Street, 23, Zaporizhzhia

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