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Hiking in Aktovskyi Canyon


Hiking is the most interesting and productive leisure activity, especially for residents of the metropolitan cities. Going on a hiking trip you can literally touch the beauty, cover short mountain trails and feel that you are a part of the nature.

For example, on the banks of the river, with a spooky name Mertvovod, there is an extraordinary canyon, very similar to ones of North America. This is a real treasure for hiking fans. And it is not far away, it is just right in the Mykolaiv region. The Area of the Canyon is 250 hectares, and the local cliffs reach a height of 50 meters. This place is also called "Valley of the Devil" and its river got the name from Scythian tribes, they gave an ultimate send-off to their kings down this river. At dawn you may relish a breathe-taking scenery, local ecosystem is truly unique: on the slopes of the river you may see a mountain tulip and many other rare plants.

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