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Putyvl State Historical and Cultural Reserve

The reserve includes: the museum "A Tale of Igor's Regiment", Molchensky convent and Sofroniyivsky monasteries, Gorodok – the child of Putivl, the museum of weapons and military equipment, the park of the Soviet period in Spadschansky forest, the museum of Goryun culture in N. Sloboda.
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Putyvl State Historical and Cultural Reserve

The reserve includes: the museum "A Tale of Igor's Regiment", Molchensky convent and Sofroniyivsky monasteries, Gorodok – the child of Putivl, the museum of weapons and military equipment, the park of the Soviet period in Spadschansky forest, the museum of Goryun culture in N. Sloboda.

State Historical and Cultural Reserve in Putivl

The municipal institution of the Sumy Regional Council “State Historical and Cultural Reserve in Putivl” (KZ SOR DIKZ) was established in accordance with the Resolution of the Council of Ministers of the USSR № 453 of December 30, 1986 “On declaring a complex of historical and cultural monuments of Putivl State Historical and Cultural Reserve ". It belongs to the system of institutions of the Ministry of Culture of Ukraine, is subordinated to the Department of Culture and Tourism of the Sumy Regional State Administration.

The reserve is a research and cultural-educational institution that protects, studies and promotes cultural monuments, unites ensembles and complexes of monuments, organically connected territories and collections of museum values.

There are 35 cultural heritage sites on the territory of the reserve under state protection, including 18 architectural monuments, 10 historical monuments, 3 archeological monuments and 4 monumental art monuments. 17 monuments of history, architecture and archeology have the status of national significance (15 of them are architectural monuments, 1 is historical and 1 is archeological). The territory of the reserve is 225 hectares (72 hectares in the town of Putivl and 153 hectares in the Spadschansky forest, which is 10 km from Putivl).

The category of monuments of national importance includes the archeological monument Gorodok – a child of ancient Russian Putivl, architectural ensembles of the existing Movchansky monastery (XVI-XIX centuries) and the former Holy Spirit convent (XVII-XIX centuries), the church of Nicholas of Velykoritsky (XVIII st.). Historical and cultural monuments in the Spadschansky Forest in 2009 were also granted national status.

There are five museums in the institution: Putivl Museum of Local Lore (branch of the reserve), Museum of Partisan Glory, Museum of Weapons and Military Equipment, Museum of Monumental Art of the Totalitarian Period "Park of the Soviet Period" in Spadschansky Forest, Museum of Goryun Culture (departments) and the reserve sector – Monument "Bell of Sorrow" in the village. Nova Sloboda.

In addition, the reserve has a department of monument protection and archeology, a department of scientific and educational work, a sector of funds (the stock collection of the reserve includes more than 24 thousand museum objects). The institution also has a scientific library.

The main activities of the State Historical and Cultural Reserve in Putivl are research, fund, exhibition, research and educational, publishing, monument protection work.

Excursion routes, developed by researchers, acquaint visitors with the historical and cultural monuments of ancient Putivl and its districts. Thousands of tourists and excursionists from Ukraine and abroad visit the reserve every year.

Rates Reviews 3

Sumy region, Krolevetska Street, 70, Putivl

51.3347493 | 33.8618439

Round the clock

05442 51266


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Review 3

Irena Knyazeva

Рекомендую до обов'язкового відвідування гостям міста, особливо тим, хто вперше відвідав Путивль. Є що подивитися.
Information taken from

Сергей Горбачев

Дуже цікаве місце. Старовинна будівля цікаві експазіціі екскурсія сюди принесе багато позитивних емоцій ви поринете в часи Київської Русі і поступово від залу до залу проживаєте історію Путивльський зімель дійсно вражає дуже рекомендую
Information taken from

Наталія Саражинська

Чудовий музей. Під великим враженням.
Information taken from



Local history museum of Putyvl

62 Krolevetska str., Putyvl

Churches, monasteries, sights of pilgrimage

Church of Nikolai Velikoretsky

Other architectural attractions

Tower of the former city baths

City park, Putyvl

Other architectural attractions

Anсient Township in Putyvl city

Radyanska Street, Putyvl

Churches, monasteries, sights of pilgrimage

Transfiguration Cathedral

Churches, monasteries, sights of pilgrimage

Movchansky monastery

1/1 Seymska Street, Putyvl


Museum of Partisan Glory

Spadshchansky forest (11 km from Putyvl)


Museum of weapons and military equipment

Spadshchansky forest (11 km from Putyvl)

Churches, monasteries, sights of pilgrimage

Church of the Nativity of the Virgin, Nova Sloboda

New Sloboda village


Museum of goryun culture

Nova Sloboda village


The Bell of Grief memorial

Nova Sloboda village

Natural objects and reserves

Novoslobidski oaks

Nova Sloboda village

Churches, monasteries, sights of pilgrimage

Sofroniivskyi Monastery

Nova Sloboda village, Putyvlskyi district

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