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Diorama "Battle for the Dnipro"

Diorama "Battle for the Dnipro" is a diorama in the Dnipro, opened in 1975 to the 30th anniversary of the Victory in the Second World War.
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Diorama "Battle for the Dnipro"

Diorama "Battle for the Dnipro" is a diorama in the Dnipro, opened in 1975 to the 30th anniversary of the Victory in the Second World War.

"Diorama" Battle for the Dnipro"- a diorama in the Dnipro, opened in 1975 to the 30th anniversary of the Victory in World War II The full name is the diorama" The Battle for the Dnipro in the vicinity of the village of Voenno-Vovnigi. "" The Battle for the Dnipro "is the largest diorama in Ukraine, the second largest in Europe (after the Belgorod diorama "Kursk battle") and one of the largest in the world.

This work was created by the masters of battle painting of the Mikhail Grekov Studio of Military Artists.

On the square in front of the diorama is a collection of Soviet military equipment.

The wide viewing radius (up to 230 °, usually the viewing angle of the dioramas from 120 ° to 150 °), a deep subject plan consisting of the remains of defensive structures, weapons, crossing facilities and other military attributes, special lighting and sounded dioramnaya hall create the effect of direct The presence of the Soviet soldiers in the place of the storming of the Dnieper.

To reproduce the general picture and individual episodes of the heroic battle, the documents of the participants of the crossing of the Dnieper, their memories, letters, orders and summaries from the Second World War were studied.

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Dnipropetrovsk region, 16 Dmytro Yavornytsky Avenue, Dnipro

48.456355 | 35.064442



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