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Sharivka palace and park complex Sadyba

"Sharivka" is the mlst gourgeous and luxirious palace complex in the eastern Ukraine, a real miracle of a gardening and park art.
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Sharivka palace and park complex Sadyba

"Sharivka" is the mlst gourgeous and luxirious palace complex in the eastern Ukraine, a real miracle of a gardening and park art.

The central place in this ensemble holds the majestic two-storeyed palace, built in the Roman-Gothic style (XIX-XX centuries). The park zone was constructed as early as the beginning of the XIX century and remains to be well preserved. The composition of the plant collection is striking in its variety – there are about 200 plant species, including 150 exotic ones.

On the territory of the palace and park complex there are two ponds and a lot of decorative elements (fountains, stairs, alleys, etc.). The highlight of the park is the famous alley of lindens, the branches of which grow vertically upwards.

The whole complex occupies about 44 hectares, an oak forest grows around it – a witness of the development of the park (the age of oaks reaches 200-300 years), in the forest there are wolves, wild boars, rabbits, and roe deer. It is interesting that it is forbidden to go inside the palace, because there is a real threat of getting tuberculosis. From 1925 to 2009 there was the Regional TB Sanatorium. This was one of the reasons for the extremely long restoration of Sharivka. By the way, in the Kharkov region there are two villages Sharovka, therefore, when going on a trip, do not mix them up!

The central place in this ensemble holds the majestic two-storeyed palace, built in the Roman-Gothic style (XIX-XX centuries). The park zone was constructed as early as the beginning of the XIX century and remains to be well preserved. The composition of the plant collection is striking in its variety – there are about 200 plant species, including 150 exotic ones.

On the territory of the palace and park complex there are two ponds and a lot of decorative elements (fountains, stairs, alleys, etc.). The highlight of the park is the famous alley of lindens, the branches of which grow vertically upwards.

The whole complex occupies about 44 hectares, an oak forest grows around it – a witness of the development of the park (the age of oaks reaches 200-300 years), in the forest there are wolves, wild boars, rabbits, and roe deer. It is interesting that it is forbidden to go inside the palace, because there is a real threat of getting tuberculosis. From 1925 to 2009 there was the Regional TB Sanatorium. This was one of the reasons for the extremely long restoration of Sharivka. By the way, in the Kharkov region there are two villages Sharovka, therefore, when going on a trip, do not mix them up!

The central place in this ensemble holds the majestic two-storeyed palace, built in the Roman-Gothic style (XIX-XX centuries). The park zone was constructed as early as the beginning of the XIX century and remains to be well preserved. The composition of the plant collection is striking in its variety – there are about 200 plant species, including 150 exotic ones.

On the territory of the palace and park complex there are two ponds and a lot of decorative elements (fountains, stairs, alleys, etc.). The highlight of the park is the famous alley of lindens, the branches of which grow vertically upwards.

The whole complex occupies about 44 hectares, an oak forest grows around it – a witness of the development of the park (the age of oaks reaches 200-300 years), in the forest there are wolves, wild boars, rabbits, and roe deer. It is interesting that it is forbidden to go inside the palace, because there is a real threat of getting tuberculosis. From 1925 to 2009 there was the Regional TB Sanatorium. This was one of the reasons for the extremely long restoration of Sharivka. By the way, in the Kharkov region there are two villages Sharovka, therefore, when going on a trip, do not mix them up!

Rates Reviews 4

Kharkiv region, Sharivka village

50.045185 | 35.432809

Daily 8am-7pmMonday – day off

(057) 705-13-01


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Review 4

Ірина Дехтяренко

Шарівський палац справив на нас незабутнє враження! Частково зберіглось неймовірне оздоблення всередині палацу. Якість того часу вражає. Окрема подяка гіду! Екскурсія пройшла цікаво, дізнались багато інформації, яка відсутня в Інтернеті. Ціна за квиток та екскурсію символічна( 30 та 20 грн).
Information taken from

Andrij Bukin

Колись невеличке село та прилеглі до нього землі належали поміщикам Ольховським. Вони й побудували тут садибу. Шарівський палац побудований у неоготичному стилі, який якраз увійшов у моду наприкінці XIX століття. Поміщик Ольховський чітко вловив нові тенденції західноєвропейської архітектури та максимально використав нововведення при зведенні свого маєтку. При цьому він подбав і про збереження первозданної краси природи. Шарівський замок дуже гармонійно, можна сказати, вдало вписується в місцевий ландшафт
Information taken from

Павел Култаев

Чарівне, але занедбане місце. Дуже атмосферне. Окрім самого палацу садиби в хащах парку можна знайти багато цікавих житлових та господарських будівель не менш красивих, дійсно старовинні дуби, липову алею, поглядів майданчики. Рекомендую брати зручне взуття і не відвідувати парк після дощу, бо доріжки переважно грунтові і можуть бути слизькі, багато підйомів та спусків. Всередині палацу цікаво дивитися як влаштовані зали та житлові приміщення, але інтер'єри втрачені.
Information taken from


Усадьба Шаровка перешла во владение Саввы Васильевича Ольховского (Альховского) от его отца. Усадебный дворец строил его сын Петр Савич Ольховский. Савва Васильевич не мог бы дожить до момента проигрыша в карты, поскольку Гебенштрейт вступил во владение в конце 1860-х годов. Ребятки, хватит тырить тексты из интернета. Отнеситесь к проекту серьезно!!!!!!!!!!!


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