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Medical Center of the National Guard of Ukraine "New Sanzhary"

The area where the medical center is located has unique natural resources.
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Medical Center of the National Guard of Ukraine "New Sanzhary"

The area where the medical center is located has unique natural resources.

Novosanzharska mineral water has health and healing properties. When drinking water, chronic diseases of the digestive system are successfully treated, the content of cholesterol and other lipids, uric acid in the blood is reduced, water is effective in diabetes, has an anti-allergic effect, improves metabolism. There are also therapeutic muds (peat and silt). They are popular among patients with diseases of the musculoskeletal system. The main areas of rehabilitation and treatment:

• diseases of the cardiovascular system;

• the consequences of an acute myocardial infarction;

• consequences of acute cerebrovascular disorders; • diseases of the digestive system;

• diseases of the nervous system;

• diseases of the musculoskeletal system;

• diseases of the genitourinary system (men and women), kidneys and urological diseases;

• diseases of the endocrine system and metabolic disorders.

Rates Reviews 4

Poltava region, town New Sanjari, lane Resort, 44

49.3367815 | 34.3268934

around the clock

(05344)3-13-57, 3-34-72


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Review 4

Артемий Бархан

Найкраще місце для психологічному реабілітації після АТО та ООС !!!
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Гарикас Паров

Надають якісні послуги з психологічної реабілітації після АТО. Рекомендую!
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Валентин Романтік

Територія санаторія знаходиться в мальовничому куточку Полтавщини, дуже гарно, особливо в теплий період року, тут лікують шлунково-кишечні захворювання.
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Markus UK

Тихе і затишне місце, поряд річка Ворскла. Гарного вам відпочинку!
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