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Mykolaiv Observatory

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Mykolaiv region, 1, Observatory Street, Nikolaev

46.972763937594564 | 31.972927598082467

Mon-Fri from 8:30 to 17:00, break from 13:00 to 13:30, Sat, Sun - closed

(0512) 47 70 14


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Mykolayiv Museum of Shipbuilding and Fleet

4 Admiralska street, Mykolayiv

Natural objects and reserves

The ancient settlement of the Late Bronze Age “DIKIYI SAD”

Artillery and Embankment streets, Mykolaiv

Other architectural attractions

Mykolaiv Academic Russian Drama Theatre

Admiral Street, 25, Nikolaev

Natural objects and reserves

Ancient Greek settlement “Bulvar”



Mykolayiv Regional Museum of Local Lore

Embankment street, 29, Nikolaev

Other architectural attractions

Old Naval Barracks in Mykolaiv

Embankment street, 29, Nikolaev

Natural objects and reserves

Ancient Late Greek settlement “Mykolaiv - VI”

Embankment street, Mykolaiv

Natural objects and reserves

Roman Defense Ditch

near 29, Embankment street, Mykolaiv

Natural objects and reserves

Sarmatian Necropolis

near 29, Embankment street, Mykolaiv

Natural objects and reserves

The ancient burial ground of the Hellenistic era “Alexander”

Embankment street and 2nd Slobidska

Natural objects and reserves

Dnieper-Bug estuary

Ship area

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