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The Tomb of the Cossack Ataman of Ivan Sirka

The grave of the legendary commander of the Army Low Zaporizhzhya Ivan Dmitrievich Sulfur is located on the banks of the Dnieper in 1300 km on. Capulovo near Nikopol at the foot of an ancient burial mound.
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The Tomb of the Cossack Ataman of Ivan Sirka

The grave of the legendary commander of the Army Low Zaporizhzhya Ivan Dmitrievich Sulfur is located on the banks of the Dnieper in 1300 km on. Capulovo near Nikopol at the foot of an ancient burial mound.

From 1659 to the time of his death, Sirko was 12 times elected by the ataman. In the fight against the Turks, Tatars and Poles, I.D. Sirko conducted more than 50 fights and won victories in all. In 1676 Sirko signed a letter from the Cossacks to the Turkish sultan Mehmet IV – this legendary moment is reflected by Ilya Repin on his canvases. The grave is constantly under the vigilant supervision of the peasants, but still the remains of the ataman were subjected to several reburials until they were transferred to the burial mound of Bab-Grave in 1967. This monument is a national property and is protected by the state.

Rates Reviews 1

Dnipropetrovsk region, Nikopol district, Kapulovka village

47.57199142 | 34.22120874

Review 1


Прекрасне історичне місце у мальовничому куточку України. Проїхавши через с.Капулівку, можна подивитися на місце, де була перша могила І.Сірка. У місцевій школі є кімната-музей, де зібрано інформацію про місце захоронення отамана. У серпні широко святкується День памяті І.Сірка. На під'їзді до села є місце, де влаштовується козацький табір. там відбуваються культурні заходи. Завітайте!



Nikopol Local History Museum

46A Electrometallurgov str, Nikopol


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1 Preobrazhenskaya str., Nikopol

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