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Novoselivskiy quarry

Quartz quarry (or Blue Lake) is located in the Novoselivka village, Novovodolazhsky district. High-quality quartz sand is produced here for almost 100 years. Now it is industrialy mined as well.
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Novoselivskiy quarry

Quartz quarry (or Blue Lake) is located in the Novoselivka village, Novovodolazhsky district. High-quality quartz sand is produced here for almost 100 years. Now it is industrialy mined as well.

Quartz quarry in the Novoselivka village is one of the exotic places in the Kharkiv region. The sands, which have shades of bright yellow to snow-white, reproduce the complete illusion of presence in a genuine desert. A ditches with multicolored deposits of soil make this place look like a canyon.

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Kharkiv region, Novoselivka village

49.685747 | 35.833312

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