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Homestead "Kozatska Rodina"

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Odessa region, 13 Sadova St, Marinovka village

46.758393 | 30.535356

067 759 8803

Review 1

Очень всем рекомендую. Приятные люди которые встречают. Очень уютно и вкусно . Детям есть чем заняться


Forts, castles, palaces

The Man-Wolf Manor

Vasylivka Village, Bilyaivskyi district

Other architectural attractions

Odesa Catacombs

Nerubajskoe village

Where to eat?

National cuisine restaurant

Family cafe Frumushika (Kiev)

Kyiv highway 15 km, E95, 5

National cuisine restaurant

Cafe "Frumushika" (Palia)

Semena Paliya Street, 123a, Odesa

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