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The remains of the Mykytyn Fortress

The Mykytyn fortress was part of the Dnipro fortified fortress line. Its shafts, describing a square measuring 180x180 meters, are visible to the naked eye.
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The remains of the Mykytyn Fortress

The Mykytyn fortress was part of the Dnipro fortified fortress line. Its shafts, describing a square measuring 180x180 meters, are visible to the naked eye.

Each side of this giant square was reinforced with bastions, wedges pushed forward.

According to the hypothesis of local lore, the Mykytyn Fortress was named in honor of the President of the Military Collegium Mykyta Trubetskoi. Inside the fortress, there were stone houses and barracks. Their foundations are still visible today. Powder pits are clearly visible in the southeastern part of the fortification.

For the entire period of existence, the Mykytyn Fortress has never taken part in hostilities. Of all the fortresses of the Dnipro fortification line, it is best preserved.

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Zaporozhye region, Kamianske village

47.699771 | 35.581321

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Единственная из звездных крепостей Днепровской линии обороны, на которую можно "забраться" и, включив воображение, представить КАК же выглядела та, которая спустя столетия превратилась в город Запорожье (Александровская звездная крепость территориально находилась в районе Малого рынка)


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